Teachings & Tangents Episode - Fearless Journeys: Navigating Self-Discovery Through Fear

Episode Transcript ~ edited for readability

Today, I want to talk to you guys about problems. Episode seven is about why you Aren't solving your problems. How come they're not solved yet? Right.

Episode four is about compassion. We touch a little bit on self-compassion in that episode. But those are two reference episodes for today's episode, which is sort of like an elaboration on those two combined.

Anyway, for today, the topic is issues and problems, and when we feel angry about someone or something, you'll often hear me talk about people, places, and things. Like all of those Little things. For example, we might think of going back to this restaurant where we had a horrible experience, right? So we've got this place that causes us issues and the people, right? Whatever happened there, I mean, maybe it didn't even involve people directly. Maybe just didn't like your food or whatever, but we tend to hold on to these things, people, places, and things.

We tend to hold on to the undesired, the negative, the unwanted things that happen. This is because our brain is set up for a negative bias. Its intention is to keep us safe, but an output or an effect of that would be that it keeps us small, and it keeps us playing small because that does feel safer, right?

It feels safer to just avoid it. And remember all those things that caused you pain or that you didn't like instead of working through right we can never really go around it or like that nursery rhyme right above it below it I can't remember it's about bears I think in the woods or something oh they're going on a bear hunt anyway so you We tend to hold on to that and not go through things knowing we try to go above them, around them because these negative biases, the things we remember, the things that it's our interpretation of an event, right?

We have a higher-level subconscious view of an event. Then, we have a conscious view of an event and live in a conscious world. Avoiding the things that affect us in a t want, in a negative way only limits us in our lives. And then when we're limited and we're unhappy. You feel unhappy. You’re unhappy. You're safe, but you're unhappy, right?

So what we want to do is realize that we can take a look at things that make us uncomfortable, things that make us unhappy, things we don't want, all of that. We can look at that and really break it down further. And that was in episode seven. We talked about how most of our problems aren't solved; we just haven't reverse-engineered it all the way back to its fear.

That fear that you're missing out on something, that you're losing something, that something will be taken away, that you'll never get something right. I was thinking more about that episode after I recorded it. When you get down to the nitty-gritty of it, you ultimately want to feel loved and accepted.

So, underneath that, what are we missing out on? What's being taken away? What is the whole FOMO thing? Once we work through that, and that's what I mean by reverse engineering, because it takes a lot just to be like, Oh, I'm mad at you because I feel unloved. And that's the bottom line, right?

We need to work through these levels, rectify, and actually come to terms with what's going on through each of our emotional levels, right? You can even consider each of our energetic bodies. Something happens, and we must work through those four energetic bodies to get to this spiritual whole body.

When we find out. That's where we can start to build from the ground up. And I think it takes a very special and seasoned person, and I don't know, somebody who has been at this a very long time or has a connection that I haven't met anybody who does. I'm sure there are people and some teachers who are in that way that they can jump straight from a problem into realizing that it's at that base level of fear, and underneath that, fear is great.

Peace. a desire to be loved and accepted. And so when you work with somebody to get through to those points, you get through to those different levels of anger and fear. And you know how they say there's those levels of acceptance when you're grieving, right? So it's anything like that. You need to work through it.

And it's, it's worth it. Like it's not always fun, and it's not always great, but it's totally worth it. But what I wanted to share is that we have people who are listening, who are really right on that cusp, and all they need to know is a way to get to that final stage and a way to foster that answer. And then others, we want to work more diligently. And it truly depends on the problem, sometimes where we're at, and how we can process it.

So we talked about it in episode seven: fear as the ground level, like get to that fear. What is it that you're afraid of missing out on? What is it that you're afraid of losing? And you come up with an answer. It might be this affects my reputation, or this affects my ability to be taken seriously, or, you know, whatever the problem is, this means people are judging me, or I'm judging myself; ultimately, underneath that fear is this universal need by every single human, your motivating factor is to be loved, and to be accepted.

And There are people who are like, I don't care. I don't care what people say. I don't care what people think. That's fine. You can say that. I kind of, I'll challenge you because I think you might, but it's in realizing that we have this desire to be loved and accepted that we can begin to heal and take it one step further.

And this is love. So, side note: tangent coming. This is, this is one of the reasons why I've always hesitated to do a YouTube or a podcast is because it conviction. I am always not afraid to say what I believe, but I'm afraid that I'm going to upset somebody else. So. I'm gonna throw that blanket statement out there that my intention is not to upset anybody else, but we get to this point where we've moved through all the levels, we move through fear, and we're there, and we realize the next level is your desire to be loved and, and loved fully, like unconditional love, right?

It's when we realize that we are already with the universe, the divine God, that we are part of the whole, and that we come from the whole means we are whole to begin with. Fostering a relationship with your God, with your divine, with your universe, source, love, and highest self—so many words describe what is right.

It's just this, the oneness, the unity of the world, right? So when you can embrace that, yes, love from humans. It's wonderful. Love from animals is pretty good, too, but you're already divinely loved every moment of every day. The second you got onto this earth and before that you are solely adored and loved because you are part of the divine, because your God made you, because you are part of the universe.

So it's a hard thing, and it doesn't always make you feel better, right? But to get to that point where you are never alone because you are always part of the whole and fully loved by your God is now the deeper level to that. And that's where episodes four and seven come in, episodes four on compassion, and seven on why your problems aren't solved yet.

This is kind of a continuation of both of those because it gives us insight and allows me to share what I've learned. And just because I've learned, it doesn't mean I'm wicked good at it or anything. And I definitely have problems of my own making. I have to go through every stage to get to that final one of acceptance, and sometimes, I never get there without problems.

I have a number of problems that are left unattended to because they hurt too much, or it doesn't feel good, or it's I'm human, right? But knowing that you can drive down to that and practice, practice with the little problems, right? Think about it: if you're driving down the road and someone cuts you off, you get mad and angry sometimes, right?

And if we can narrow that down, that it was fear, you were being, you know, pushed out of your, Your space and time going forward, right, or you could have gotten hurt all these fears when ultimately it is love. Why would someone do that if there's no love, right? Why? So it's getting to those points, and that's where you work with a coach, therapist, counselor, mentor, minister, or priest.

My religion isn't in an institution. So I'm not sure. And I'm sure I hear about people going to counseling and therapy with their ministers, priests, or bishops. Anyway, the message is to talk with somebody where you get to share this idea of not being alone. This idea that you are “love” AND always loved and sharing that.

So, in this episode, I will leave you with the suggestion to go back and watch episode seven, The Solution To Your Problems, and episode four, Secrets To Compassion, and then see how we can tie these all together and work through the levels of transformation.

If you have The Learning Circle membership, we'll spend time together figuring this out. We'll discuss this and many other topics, and at any point, you can access the whole library, including past calls.

So even if this was recorded and aired months ago, you can still access these teachings because you're in the membership. You can always reach out to me directly, and we can work through some of these things together.

My desire for you is that you see your wholeness and that no matter where you are, you are adored and loved by your highest power and the highest good for you. Until next time.


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